B For Beijing – AtoZChallenge

China has been a country I can’t wait to re visit and mostly because it’s Beijing that I want explore more. I heard tales of how there is so much traffic and pollution as well as thick smog in Beijing so I wasn’t sure what to expect but the truth is the three days I had there seemed fleeting because there’s just so much to discover.

I spent most of my time at Tianamen Square and then eventually at the Forbidden City. It’s one of the largest city square in the world and home to all sorts of official Chinese events but I just had fun running around taking selfies and pretending I was a local 🙂

The square is really the gateway to the Forbidden city and once you walk further down. The Forbidden City was full of tourists but fascinating when you think about the history. Home to many Chinese emperors right from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty. The complex is said to consist of nearly 980 buildings and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The complex is large and to really do justice you’d need more than a day of exploring. If you enjoy history then you’ll love it as much as I did.

Despite the excitement of being among ancient palaces, the real highlight for me was the Great Wall Of China – One of the seven wonders of the world! I remember nearly drifting off to sleep in the bus ride there and perking up completely at the first few glimpses of the never ending expansive wall. It’s really an architectural and engineering marvel for the entire wall and no you can’t cover the whole thing it’s next to impossible, is built by stone, brick and whatever material that came their way and completely by hand without any sort of machinery.

The steps are tall and the climb gets steep in places so make sure you pace yourself and take your time while climbing. You could alternatively find a spot and just enjoy the majestic surrounding.

All the walking and exploring will certainly work up and appetite and what struck me as the most surprising is how incredible the food in Beijing is! I moved on to Shanghai which is far more cosmopolitan and has a mix of western culture in certain pockets so was expecting greatness in terms of cuisine and food choices in Shanghai and while they were great I have to say Beijing outshone them completely.

Even the vegetarians travelling with me were singing praises because the food was fresh flavourful and there was plenty of choice. Chinese food isn’t dog and cat and all the awful tales you hear. It’s lots of good protein in terms of chicken fish beef or pork and loads of vegetables and greens. Just fabulous and of course, the most famous dish in Beijing that the locals just can’t get enough of is Pecking Duck

I had the pleasure of visiting one of the most exclusive restaurants called Dadong which is famous for their duck and needless to say, was a fabulous meal.

The Chinese capital has a lot to offer – great nightlife, fabulously cheap shopping, ridiculous high end shopping, incredible food and lots of history and sightseeing. If Beijing’s not on your travel bucket list, it really should be!

To read more about my time in Beijing click here – https://www.thetinytaster.com/2017/08/20/48-hours-in-beijing-china/

For more updates from my trip and my other travel adventures be sure to follow me on social media under my handle – thetinytaster 


  1. The great wall of China is on my travel bucket list. Wow, loved your inspiring post. Thanks Tiny.

  2. For the letter ‘B’, our Triple T chose Beijing
    Mainly, i suspect, ‘cos she loves every momo and dumpling
    On the Great Wall she walked
    The Peking Duck she forked
    To see more of China, she’s definitely longing!

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