Conquering My Fears in Pokhara – My First Time In An Ultralight Flight In Nepal!

There’s a heated discussion at the dinner table to discuss the plan for the next morning. I’m currently at the Barahi Resort in Pokhara  with a group of fellow travel bloggers on a trip to Nepal. As is often the case on sponsored trips like this there is always a tight and often rigid schedule to follow. There’s talking about a gorgeous sunrise which I’m excited about  and that demands an different post dedicated to that experience, but there’s also talk of an ultra light flight. I don’t pay much attention to it because I’m under the impression it’s a small chartered flight like a sea plane.

The next morning post a magical sunrise and hearty breakfast as I’m walking the tarmac at the Pokhara airport towards my Ultralight flight, I’m suddenly filled with emotion that can only be classified as dread. What on earth have I gotten myself into ? This is a winged contraption that is open from every side and looks like one of those imaginary flying machines from a 1920’s movie. There isn’t one adventurous bone in my body, I find roller coasters nauseating and am terrified of heights. I went zip lining once many moons ago and was so embarrassed because it took me half n hour to actually get going once I was all saddled up because I was so frightened. I do not like heights it drives me nuts and here I am all set to embark on a flight in what can only be described as a toy machine.

The group is jittery and everyone’s a bit nervous and I’m putting on this false bravado to keep calm but inside I’m wondering how I’m going to endure this 15 minute flight without a complete panic attack or meltdown. As I watch people take off and see their happy and excited faces once they’re back I tell myself this is an adventure I can’t say no to. All my life I’ve been terrified of these sort of activities and things that are out of my comfort zone and this time I wanted to embrace this uncomfortable- ness and boldly go where I know I will never go again!

I look to my pilot for some comfort and reassurance but he tells me to prepare for a bumpy ride because the winds have changed. Lord have mercy! All the hype and energy I had put into calming myself evaporated in minutes. Within minutes I was taking off which I have to admit was super fun. In hindsight, it’s the takeoff and landing I enjoyed the most. I can’t explain it, an eerie sense of calm that nothing will happen and a mix of sheer excitement while taking off but once I was in the air, I will confess to bouts of panic because not only was it freezing it was incredibly bumpy. While everyone before me had a smooth ride, mine wasn’t. My pilot was a star, he kept smiling in his rear view mirror and pointing out to spots below for me to photograph or see. There’s no way you can communicate with the pilot other than hand gesture or frantic screaming because it’s so windy he can’t hear you. He does however have a microphone and is connected to the air traffic controller at all times because this is an active runway and he needs air clearance for takeoff and landing.

You get the very best aerial views of Pokhara in this Ultralight flight and if you enjoy a streak of adventure then this is perfect for you.

The flight is only 15 minutes but I’m so scared in the middle that is seems to go on forever. I’m happy when we start to land and enjoy that but the truth is I’m thrilled that I actually mustered up the courage to do this. When I sent photos and videos to my family and closest friends they were in shock because it’s so unexpected of me but I think that’s what made it more special. I’m happy to have pushed myself and done something I never would do because the truth is, I would recommend this to anyone visiting Pokhara without the slightest hesitation. If I could get over my fear, so can you. If you have no fear, then you’re in for the time of your life!

Where can I do the Ultra Light Flight – I believe there are a couple of companies in Pokhara but the one I used was FlyPokhara. You can get in touch on their website or call 061-466880,466881,466882 or email

How Much Does It Cost – For the 15 minute flight it is approx Rs 13,000 (Nepalese) and they do also record video footage of your flight so in case you want a copy it’s an additional 25 USD. The price might fluctuate a bit so it’s best to call or email and re check.

Is It Safe – Absolutely 100%. What I didn’t realise is that there is a machine. Unlike paragliding where you just glide. They ensure to check wind conditions before each flight and if they think it’s not safe they will not take you up and refund your money. Each pilot is well trained and has been doing this for a minimum of 5 years, in fact most of them are trained in other countries to gain experience.

I’ve also documented my entire journey on my Travelibro app that you can find RIGHT HERE

For more stories from Nepal you can check my Instagram highlights labelled Nepal  RIGHT HERE

Disclaimer : This post was done in association with the Nepal Tourism Board and Barahi Resorts Pokhara but I was under no compulsion to take this flight or write about it. As always, thoughts ideas, suggestions, opinions are always mine 🙂

For more updates from my trip and my other travel adventures be sure to follow me on social media under my handle – thetinytaster  


  1. Flying is in two other Bamboats’ blood
    This post brings memories in a flood
    The incomparable thrill
    Is worth every drill
    And lingers long after the last landing thud!

  2. I missed this tour by a whisker or else I could have been there too. When I visited Pokhra this wasnt there and I really want to do this. I can imagine screaming mid air 🙂

    1. Oh how I wish you had come !!!! I just died haha but so much fun and so worth it 🙂

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