Kerala Blog Express – A Day Of Snake Temples, Crazy Curry And Responsible Tourism

Kerala is as religious and spiritual as any other state in India. Serpent or Snake worship is as common here as any where else in India. Though I’m wary of snakes I find them fascinating creatures and was very eager to visit the famous snake temple – Mannarasala. Sadly there are no real snakes here, just idols but a small walk around the temple was educating to say the least. If you are interested in Hinduism and learning more about serpent worshiping I would suggest you pop in and visit the temple. Sadly I couldn’t photograph anything inside and my fingers were just itching to capture the puja in progress but I think you’ll have to visit yourself to get a glimpse. There was a lot of history and detailing but It’s too much to add in here so if you are interested maybe this link will help  –

Kumarakom is beautiful and lunching at the Taj hotel there is a luxury. The property which is an old colonial styled home overlooks a beautiful lake smack in the middle of the property. I wish I had stayed there a night as it’s got so much character and looks like something I would enjoy but a quick lunch is good enough. Specially when they entice your with freshly made piping hot Kerala style Porotas ( the very first for me on this trip) and the most brilliant Mango based fish curry I’ve eaten so far. I am flipping out over all the food on this trip. I thought I’d drown in sambhar but curry seems to be the dish of the week. Kerala you have not let me down on the food front!

Kumarakom also has beautiful backwaters and has a programme that’s known as responsible tourism which I think is a great initiative. Visiting the locals in their village and watching them demonstrate the art of weaving, making rope from coconut husk and even collecting toddy is fun not just because of what they’re showing you but because they are incredibly friendly and always smiling, laughing and eagerly waving or posing for a photograph. A smile really goes a long way and sometimes just interacting with happy people makes my day.

I spent the night in Kumarakom in the super fancy and luxurious Zuri Hotel and Resorts which apart from being spread across 18 acres , is gorgeous with my a view of the lake from my room, a massive bedroom and a bathroom the size of most studio apartments. The most interesting thing for me was my first time experiencing an Ayurvedic massage. I’m a massage junkie and after lugging about a laptop, two cameras and I don’t know how many bags – I’ve earned my massage.

The massage is more of an oily rub down ( I know that sounds terrible but It’s very relaxing ) and I felt like a baby being oiled by a malishwalli where they rub a gallon of oil into your skin. It’s the best moisturizer and to have hot or rather warm oil being poured down your back and then massaged it’s possibly one of the best feelings in the world and this certainly won’t be the only massage on this trip for me. Maybe next time I’ll go the whole hog and get the oil massage in my head which I politely refrained from because it’s a task to wash my hair let alone wash out oil from it. 

Kumarakom is great but next stop the express is on its way to Allepazu – Woo hoo !! 


  1. A visit to a snake temple and a luxurious lunch
    Getting to meet happily with a congenial bunch
    A Kerala craft demonstration
    And oil-massage relaxation
    Added to Kumarkom’s porotas with punch!

  2. Nice post about Snake Temple. I got lot of information from your post about temple.
    United-21 kanha

  3. Excellent post with useful information..And the combination of elements are very different and unique..

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