What I love most about food is that it brings people together. Some of my best nights out are usually dinners I’ve had with the people I love. And when the people I love decide to dine at my all time favourite Chinese restaurant its even better!!

Saturday night and four of us decide to head to Lings Pavilion at Colaba for dinner before we head out later and I couldn’t be more pleased.  Lings according to me, is one of the best places in town for GOOD Chinese food and tonight once again I was not disappointed.

We started off with a Nanking soup with chicken and mushroom which was perfect with just the right amount of chicken and mushroom (usually it’s one more than the other) and little bits of tofu. Not sweet not spicy but just right 🙂
  The Nanking Soup

Followed up with chicken chilly which was some lovely stir fried dry chicken which was a tad bit oily but immediately forgiven because it was yum and sui mai dumpling which I found very average (and I’m being polite here). I have realised that very few places really know the secret art of making the perfect dumpling but that I shall follow up in a separate blog.
                                                     Chicken Chilli

                                                                   Sui Mai


The ladies order a house special which is the bacon and mushroom pot rice along with lemon chicken. I must confess I find the pot rice very over rated and a bit of a tease. Its ladened with goodies on top, but as you dig further it’s just plain rice. Before you know it the toppings have vanished. However everyone else seems to love it and I must admit, those first few bite are heavenly. The lemon chicken didnt really look very appetising to me but the ladies seemed surprisingly pleased with it. I gave it a miss.

                                                                    Lemon Chicken
I was more focused on my dish for the evening which is my standard and all time favourite pan fried noodles. Yes yes I know very boring very predictable but I can assure you there is nothing more satisfying than well cooked noodles. Today I decided to mix it up, usually I stick to a vegetarian pan fried noodles but tonight I asked for beef, mushroom, baby corn, Chinese greens and water chestnuts. I’m drooling as I’m type this. Sigh… nothing makes me happier than Chinese food

One of the girls ordered a chocolate mud pie which she very aptly described as being made out of a Pillsbury box and since I refused to try it I’m sure I didn’t miss anything. The other two decided to skip dessert. I however stuck to another regular favourite my coconut pancake with ice-cream
                                                               Chocolate mud pie
                                                                    Coconut pancake
Such a simple dish and a standard Chinese dessert but this is the only restaurant I have come across that does NOT fry the pancake. And what a treat that is.. Its soft, warm, stuffed with coconut and with that ice-cream, just melts in your mouth. The perfect end to a satisfying meal.
So after lots of giggling, girly banter and stuffed tummies we leave as 4 very well fed ladies merrily planning our next dinner. I don’t know about the rest of them but this tiny taster is most definitely coming back again.


  1. Anonymous says:

    daymmmmm nw im hungry…. super tasty review….

  2. Hmm, yumm, and the dessert sounds really delicious!

  3. not a fan of this place … but the lemon chicken & dessert sounds soooo good … will go just to try those !!

  4. Anonymous says:

    How did u manage to miss out on the earthen pot rice…..its their signature dish……

    1. hehe didnt miss it, was ordered but i forgot to take the picture

  5. quick kick ass actually !!! so i went to lungs pavilion for dinner the other evening and thought id give the dishes u’ve written about a try … so while ordering dinner i whip out my phone and load the blog, and the waiter almost jumped outta his sucks when he saw the pictures … best part was that i only had to show him what i wanted, and i got it in no time ….!!!

    p.s. next time i suggest a trial of the kung pao prawns … we had them and they were yummmmm

    1. duely noted 🙂 shall def try these next time 🙂 thanks for the recommendations !

  6. i agree that the pot rice is a bit underwhelming and I love the pan fried noodles too…can’t believe i hadn’t gone to ling;s till i discovered it thanks to my blog friends

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