Miracle Of All Miracles – A Cauliflower Fried Rice Recipe

If you’ve been paying close attention to my posts or social media updates, you’ve noticed I’m trying my hardest to stay as healthy as possible and eat clean. As part of this I try to stay away from meat ( including chicken ) atleast 4 or 5 times in the week ( I indulge on the weekend ) and I avoid carbs post 7pm and try to cut out as much sugar from my diet as possible so no biscuit cake etc. It’s extremely hard to stick to this but again, not impossible. Since my job revolves mostly around food, I do make exceptions when I’m out or when I’m travelling but when ever I can I stick to this.

I love rice but again, have limited it to once or twice in the week so when a desperate urge for Chinese style fried rice comes along, I make this cauliflower version which believe me, is just as tasty. Of course I eat fried rice ( Hello Weekend ) but this is also a great way to eat cauliflower as a different dish instead of my usual sabzi. Believe me it tastes much better than it looks.



I think this is a lovely recipe and this is what I added but the beauty of it is that you can customize it with any vegetables or flavours that you want – it really is THAT simple. Hope you enjoy this one 🙂


1 whole cauliflower ( try to pick a large one )

1 chopped red bellpepper

1 packet of baby corn

1 packet of mushrooms

3 spring onions

1 tablespoon of soy sauce

6-7 pods of chopped garlic

salt and pepper to taste




Cut off all the leaves and the stem of the cauliflower and chop it up into smaller pieces. Wash thoroughly in case of any dirt or worms.


Add the cauliflower bits in batches into your food processor or a dry grinder. Blitz till they become crumbly. Do not add any water at all to the cauliflower this is a dry grind or else it will be a disaster.


Once you have the cauliflower into this fine crumbly rice or cous cous like texture leave it aside and chop all the other vegetables and ingredients.



Heat some oil in a pan or wok and add the cauliflower so you can cook/roast it for about 5-7 minutes. Keep stirring. The cauliflower won’t take very long to cook.


Add the chopped garlic and let it cook a bit, then add the spring onions, the whites and some of the greens, keep some greens to garnish later and mix it all together.

To this add the peppers and baby corn. Sprinkle a little salt n pepper on the peppers and baby corn to season them. Mix all the ingredients and cauliflower together.



Add the mushrooms and again season them with salt n pepper before they cook. Once they cook and start to release their water mix it into the other ingredients. The reason we season the ingredients separately first is because we don’t add salt to the cauliflower as eventually we will add the soy sauce that has plenty of salt but the vegetables will not catch the flavour so we need to season them slightly.



Mix everything together and lastly add the soy sauce. As mention since we’ve added the soy sauce there is no need to add extra salt but if you taste it and feel you need to please go right ahead.


Once it’s all mixed together, garnish with the leftover spring onions, serve hot and enjoy !

For more updates on my food and travel adventures, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat : thetinytaster


  1. A veg recipe on your blog is a miracle… I am sure to try it out… as I love fried rice in all forms…

  2. Cauliflower substituted in place of rice
    Surprisingly, it turned out really nice
    You can mix and match
    There is no catch
    What’s more, it’s available, and value for price!

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