When you have the privilege of spending nearly a month travelling all over a country, exploring and discovering all it has to offer, it’s exceedingly difficult to edit your photos. While it’s exciting to write about my experiences I find it hard to not include as many photographs as I’d like. After visiting more than 20 destinations I decided for the very first time on the blog, I’d post a photo diary. These are the first set of pictures in this five part series, I hope you enjoy them and more than anything, I hope they inspire you to jump on a plane and explore this gorgeous country! Part one features pictures from Peniche, Aveiro, Coimbra, Nazare, Tentugal and Viseu. Enjoy !


  1. Great stuff 🙂 I recognise almost all the places. Lovely country, lovely food, lovely photos.

    1. Thank you so much Emanuele 🙂 They’re not even a tiny bit close to as good yours are so coming from you.. that means a lot ! Thank you 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    Great pictures.. looking forward to the other photo diaries..

  3. Buildings, beeches, booze and bread
    This Part One is quite a spread
    Crispy bakes
    Pies and cakes
    Makes us want to Portugal to tread!

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