The Tiny Taster & Travelibro

When I start planning a holiday or any journey, the first thing I do is look up articles about that destination written by fellow travel bloggers. I find that more than any glossy article in a magazine or a shiny itinerary a travel company hands you, it is the personal endorsement or testimonial if you will, that I’m looking for. The second thing to do is jump straight to Trip Advisor and see what people have to say. The funny thing is, in my experience, I find most Trip Advisor reviews like the Zomato ones, full of fluff and most of the time, completely incorrect. Specially the restaurant reviews or the things to do. The attractions that are top rated end up being ones I wouldn’t necessarily choose as my primary or secondary sightseeing priority.


The thing is it is bound to happen because I don’t know who the person reviewing it is or if we have even the slightest things in common.  Now that travel blogging seems to have picked up there are various other travel based apps that try to give you more curated content. The key word being curated or specific. I meet plenty of international travel bloggers on my trips and I always hear about these various travel companies and apps and how they’ve associated with them in search of being a part of a more systematic and niche portal. The idea of working with one of these companies seemed dodgy at the time as they didn’t seem very impressive to me personally.


It is only a few months ago that I met some very interesting folks one evening that spoke about a new travel app called Travelibro ( )  that seemed to combined everything people want or need – everything I myself want or need. The urge to post all their travel updates as they do on various other social media channels, the ability to have friends and follow them and interact with status updates and tons of pictures and interestingly enough, plenty of travel bloggers, enthusiasts and travel agents that post detailed trip itinerates to help you plan for your next visit.


I find most websites will tell you where to go or what to do but very few tell you how other travelers have done it from city to city or one country to another. There is a lot of detailing that each travel agency or blogger puts into their itineraries and even folks who are just travel enthusiasts but not necessarily a travel professional have some very interesting insider tips.

I find myself posting some itineraries that I think might be useful for future planning and have decided to associate myself with this brand. I’ve uploaded some things I find interesting and am taking a lot of inspiration from fellow contributors. If you think this is something you might enjoy then download the app or visit their website –

I find that apart from my trips and tips that I’ve posted about my travels, I do a lot of daily updates as well. If you find this interesting sign up and follow me 🙂 You can find my profile here – My Travelibro Profile

For more updates on my food and travel adventures, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat : thetinytaster


  1. very informative post and you described very well about this .

  2. YaY! One more site where we can see
    Where, how and when our beloved Triple T
    Giving detailed tips
    And interesting bits
    About where she was, is now and in future, will be!

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