U for Udvada #AtoZChallenge

I could have picked another destination I’ve visited that starts with U ( I’ll save it for another time ) but the truth is U had to be for Udvada. This small sleepy town in Gujarat that’s special to not just me but the entire Zoroastrian community.

It’s a home to our most sacred and revered fire temple and reminds me of who I am. For me this somewhat boring little town ( because there really isn’t anything to do here ) is a haven of peace and calm. I never grew up here but it still feels like home. I’ve articulated my impressions about Udvada far better in this old blogpost https://www.thetinytaster.com/2013/03/11/culinary-treasures-from-the-shores-of-gujarat-fun-foods-from-udwada/ which I think you’ll enjoy but for some reason all the photos have vanished so I’ll share them here. Udvada isn’t exactly a tourist spot or a holiday destination but it’s full of history and my culture which I’m extremely proud of. If you find yourself in Udvada, let me know I’m always happy to recommend eating spots 🙂

For more updates from my trip and my other travel adventures be sure to follow me on social media under my handle – thetinytasterFacebookTwittergoogle_plusShare

1 Comment

  1. Udvada, the Ultimate, to Zarthushties
    The Mecca, Kashi or Gaya to Parsis
    The Holy Iranshah
    Food and falooda
    Combined with the salubrious Arabian Sea breeze!

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