What Makes Pokhara In Nepal So Special

I still can’t fathom why it took me so long to visit Nepal but I will say that I’m glad I finally got here. I think a big turn off for me is that this is a trekkers country and the idea of hiking up a mountain for days hold very little appeal for me.

However witnessing the majestic sight without the laborious trek is more up my alley which is why Pokhara turned out to be such a wonderful surprise. Pokhara is what is commonly referred to as the Gateway to the Himalayas as it’s where a lot of treks start from. The Annapurna Base camp is a 6 day trek from Pokhara but if you manage to find yourself in the city on a clear day, you can see the mountain range in the distance. I was staying at a hotel that is perched on top of a hill and takes ten minutes to drive up to reach there and at first I thought how inconvenient that I’m away from the main city and all the action. Then I woke up to a stunning view of the Annapurna range and all was forgiven.

The air is much cleaner in Pokhara which you learn to appreciate the minute you get out of Kathmandu which feels like a smog attack but I suppose it’s the mountains that lend such lovely weather. If you’re willing to splurge a bit and don’t want to do a mountain hike then you can fly up to the Annapurna Base Camp spend about half an hour there and then fly back. It’s a more luxurious way to enjoy the mountains and completely stress free. Of course each flight is subject to perfect weather conditions. Sadly I didn’t get a chance to take the flight but some friends did and had a fantastic experience. The pictures below are courtesy them.

Pokhara has one main attraction and everything seems to centre around it – Phewa Lake. The lake is massive and is actually a fresh water lake that is possibly Nepal’s most visited water body. All action in the city stems in and around the lake so if you’re not on a boat ride in the water then you’re probably sitting by the lake side enjoying the view at one of the many restaurants, bars or cafes. Plenty of shops that are eager to sell hiking and trekking gear but then again all of Nepal is famous for it but the lake side is pretty and you can spend hours roaming around of just soaking in the view at sunset.

I’m not one for Bungee jumping or paragliding but if you’re got an adventurous bone then Pokhara has plenty to offer you. Zip flying, zip lining, mountain biking, hand gliding, white water rafting, stand up paddle board or even kayaking it would seem Pokhara offers it all and you can spend days getting an adrenaline rush.

Pokhara is pleasant, pretty and gives you a glimpse of what Nepal has to offer.

For more stories from Nepal you can check my Instagram highlights labelled NEPAL RIGHT HERE

I’ve also documented my entire journey on my Travelibro app that you can find RIGHT HERE

Disclaimer : My trip to Nepal was made possible thanks to an invitation from the Nepal Tourism Board and PATA Nepal Chapter. As always, thoughts, ideas, opinions and words are all mine 🙂


  1. This is one place where I will love to go back time and again. Some of my best posts have come up from here. Hope you did a boating here and also went for sunrise at Sarangkot valley.

  2. Nepal, the neighbor, was neglected
    Till the authorities then her selected
    Pokhara is pulchritudinous
    Activities multitudinous
    And a stunning view of the Himalayas definitely expected!

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