I did briefly talk about Yilan in my post on Taiwan and truth be told I thought I’d do Y for Yala National Park but then there was too much wildlife back to back to I felt Yilan deserved more than a mere mention.
Yilan is a county in Taiwan and it’s close to the sea which means ideal for fishing, snorkeling, scuba and all sorts of fun water activities. I ended up doing a lot more than I thought I would while visiting the county including learning how to make green tea ice cream from scratch without a machine, I visited a soy bean factory and learnt how they make tofu. Spent time at the beautiful Lily mountain which is studded with these bright yellow lily flowers and you feel like you’re on a Yashraj movie set. But the very best thing I did was finally over come my fear and go snorkeling for the very first time and that too in the middle of the pacific ocean!

Yilan is beautiful and also a great off beat destination instead of just heading to Taipei. I’ve shared some blogposts as well as a few videos from my visit. https://www.thetinytaster.com/2017/10/10/first-impressions-of-taiwan/
For more updates from my trip and my other travel adventures be sure to follow me on social media under my handle – thetinytaster
So back to Taiwan we trot
‘Cos Yilan, with much more, is fraught
Fritter-fried flowers
From snorkeling she de-cowers
And tofu-making too she was taught!